
Saturday, May 15, 2010


I haven't done much "crafting" lately, but I've been staying busy. I have been planning a birthday party, going to more doctor's appointments, planning a 72 hour preparedness presentation for Relief Society, and trying to maintain my sanity. My 2 year old twin boys have destroyed my family home evening board I made. They destroyed the decorations I had on my two end tables. They somehow managed to knock my wedding picture off the wall and break the frame. They've scribbled on the walls. I really do love them on this...their second birthday...but I'm really sick of them ruining things. I sure do hope this stage passes quickly. Oh wait, I think Little Miss has barely grown out of this stage...mostly.

I just really wanted to get rid of my last blog post title. Oh yes, I've been keeping up on AI. I was so wrong with the final three. Casey? Really? Over Big Mike? REALLY? Okay...I've said my peace. I'm done.