
Monday, October 3, 2011

Not So Cutesy Chore Chart

As school has started in full swing, I felt the need once again to have a new chore chart for Little Miss. She is in the Spanish Immersion program in first grade and it is a little intense!!! I needed a way to reward her for her hard work.

I tried a cute idea from Family Fun, but it totally did not work for us!

So I chose to do something more like this.

However, mine's not nearly that cutesy. But it is a very functional chore chart.
Basically, I took an old clipboard and spray painted it blue (to match her desk.) I glued her chore chart to the clipboard and slipped an overhead transparency in the clip w/ a vis-a-vis marker. When she complete her chores she (I) can check off the chore.
On Monday evening, we tally up the previous weeks' checks and that is how many points she can redeem for prizes (such as ice cream, small treats, etc.)
Then we can just wipe off the chart and start over for the new week.
She LOVES it!
It has been so rewarding the last few weeks!
I also created my own weekly chore chart schedule.
I didn't do anything cutesy with this. Just printed it and put it on my fridge. I've had this schedule in my head now for a while, but having it printed out to look at daily is a big help for me. Not only does it help me remember what I need to be doing, it looks so less daunting, than a huge "to-do" list. Don't get me wrong...I still have my "to-do" list. But now when I have "pay dentist bill" on my list I know I am going to do that on Wednesday, and not keep procrastinating day after day.