
Thursday, March 13, 2014


There is no question that brothers have a special bond.  But between twin brothers I think the bond is something extra special. 

  Most nights, Logan and Stockton lay in bed talking, laughing, playing pretend games for close to an hour before finally letting themselves fall asleep.  Of course, we get frustrated with them and ask them over and over to settle down so they can sleep, but deep inside I love hearing their chatter and sword swooshing noises and declarations of triumphing over the enemy.  

We I am trying to decide whether to put the boys in  the same or separate 1st grade classes next year.  They will be in Spanish Immersion which has 2 homerooms and so they will have the same teachers, workload, activities, etc. as each other no matter what.  But trying to decide which way will help them flourish the best is hard.  Everyone says, "parents of twins are very adamant about having the twins together or separated."  But I'm really not sure!!!  When my boys were placed in separate Primary classes I was not very happy.  Stockton had a very difficult time going to Primary after, as he relied greatly on Logan's presence to give him comfort.  Now after a few years, it isn't that big of a deal (except the whining that happens when one of them comes home with a treat and the other doesn't.)  Anyway...   

On one hand I love to see them rely and help each other.  I would love to see them grow even closer from the time spent together in the classroom.  On the other hand I am starting to see more and more how different and individual they are.  I wonder how much being in separate classes would lead to letting their individuality shine through.  In a setting where they weren't being compared, where they didn't have their brother to rely upon, if they would be able to reach their fullest potential better.  

I have asked the boys several times in the last few months and the answers are almost always the same.  Logan says, "I want to be in a separate class!"  And Stockton says, "I want to be in the same class!"  It breaks my heart that they don't agree.  I asked Stockton why he wants to be with Logan.  "Because I will miss Logan if he is not in the same class!"  How very sweet!  

Stockton is not so much worried about what everyone else thinks.  He is almost more independent in that way.  He will do what he wants.  He isn't as social.  He enjoys playing with friends, when they are getting along.  And he's not afraid to speak his mind and tattle when he sees injustice among other children.  He also is more likely to act up and get himself in trouble.

Logan, on the other hand, is very tenderhearted.  He cares deeply what others think about him and wants everyone to like him.  He is highly social.  He loves craves attention and affection and can cry/ get angry easily when he is feeling left out.  In that way, he seems a little less independent...even needy sometimes.  Which is exactly why I think he needs to be in a different class than Stockton. 

They balance each other so well.  Yes, they are boys and will wrestle, argue, fight, run and jump and yell.  But with each of their strengths they have the potential to be so great together!  

The other day, Logan found himself extremely angry (due in part to feeling left out) and unable to control himself ended up punching some other (older and bigger) boys.  Oh boy, did that kid get in trouble!  And he cried for a good long time!  But he did his best to make amends with the best attitude I've ever seen a kid have!     
Then comes Stockton, trying to save his brother from all the trouble he has wound up in.  Stockton prayed that night (using very odd wording) the idea that he could take away Logan's trouble from him.  I asked him what he meant and near tears he told me that he would like to take Logan's punishment because he felt sad that Logan was in trouble.

Boys can be hilarious, disgusting, obnoxious, and so very sweet all rolled into one very cute and very individual little man.  The responsibility to raise them to be kind and strong and smart and respectful and polite and hard working and gracious is no small task.  We want them to be a gentleman as well as manly.  We want them to be funny as well as respectful.  We want them to be strong and genuine.  We want them to be so many things.  And so many factors go into who they will become...not just parents, but siblings, extended family, friends, teachers, and neighbors will influence them.  Watching their personalities blossom is really quite amazing. And I only pray that we can do the best job that we can to help these two spunky and fun loving boys to be great young men who turn into loving and righteous husbands and fathers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Whistle While Work

Yesterday morning I was sitting a midst the piles of laundry waiting to be folded and I began watching 2 year old Aubrey.  She had taken a clean dish towel from my pile and was "cleaning" the piano.  
The thing that struck me was that she was singing as she was wiping the piano.

I smiled as I thought of how many times I have seen Ellie sing as she was cleaning as well. 

Then I thought, "Do I do that?"  
I honestly don't think I've done that for a really long time!

I use music as a motivator to get my kids to do Saturday morning chores or to push me through a workout.  I use music as a "fun" thing to get the wiggles out at night or to dance to in the car.  I have even tried to use music as a motivator during Ellie's homework time.
But how often do I truly "whistle while I work?"  
Not much, lately, that is for sure!

I remember my Grandpa Cannon would always whistle while he loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.  He usually whistled something like "Washington Post March" by John Phillip Sousa.  
Something upbeat and happy.

What is innately in us that makes makes my girls naturally sing while they work?
I think it is that we feel good when we work, whatever type of work it is.
Work helps us feel accomplished.
Work helps us build confidence.

So why do we learn to hate work?  
Work seems to be the opposite of "fun."  
Which is what most people desire isn't it?
If work is the opposite of fun than work isn't fun.
And how many times have I told my children
work before play?

But I don't think that is necessarily true... it is just our mindset.
I think work can be very enjoyable!
I've had many "fun" times while working hard.  

We have emphasized in our family the last year that 
But how often do we do hard things begrudgingly...instead of with a song in our hearts?!

I think I need to set a better example of "whistling while I work." 
Maybe then when we tell our dear 3rd grader that homework can be fun she might believe us!
And be a little more willing to complete the things that are hard for her happily!
And maybe if I work with a song in my heart I might enjoy folding my piles of laundry a little more!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words

My mom and I play a puzzle game online.  She just created a new puzzle from this picture of the 5 oldest grand kids eating ice cream outside an old fashion ice cream shop in Philipsburg, Montana.  We were enjoying some time at a cabin on Georgetown Lake with family last summer.

Looking at this picture I realized that as imperfect as this picture is, this picture will be a family favorite for a long time to come.  
And then it hit many times do we look at a picture years later and realize it is a favorite.  A picture that helps you recall the details of a trip, feelings, love, family.  
And what is amazing is that you never know when or what that picture will be, until later, sometimes quite a while later.
And usually, they are not professional pictures.
They are not edited.
They are are real pictures of real times and real memories.

In this digital world how many photos can we instantly snap with our cell phones?  I know I have hundreds of pictures on my phone and computer.  I know for sure I don't take enough time to find those special and meaningful pictures and DO something with those pictures.  It has made me stop and ponder how my kids will be able to look back at photos of themselves.  How fun is it to look back at our childhood pictures and try to remember or see how even then our personalities showed!  How can I best preserve those memories for my children?

This very imperfect picture recently taken with my cell phone shows all my husband's siblings and spouses. I think this will be a special picture as well...or at least I hope it is.  

Technology today has made it so much easier to use, organize, and share our pictures.  But on the same hand it also makes it so much harder.  So many more photos, so many more options than before...and oh the digital storage!  It is a blessing to be able to store so many photos, but what about actually seeing them?  How many do we print or preserve in a way for our kids to see?

I know I need to be much better about this.  It use to be something I was very good at when I was regularly scrapbooking, but as I have made the transition away from traditional scrapbooking it has become a challenge.

Here is my wake up call!  I am going to get my photos organized and figure out the best way to preserve those memories for my children for years to come!!!  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why I Do What I Do

I never thought I would feel like I had to justify what I do.  I thought I was just being a fun mom.  I was hoping the little extra smiles would be worth a little extra work.  But after reading this blog post that is floating around Facebook right now from the blog Rage Against the Minivan I feel I need to tell my perspective.

I am a stay at home mom.  I have 4 kids between the ages of 2-7.  I am a creative person who enjoys sharing my talents with my family.  I am also, according to my 7 year old daughter, the meanest mom in the world.

I saw a quote the other day that I just love! "Instead of saying 'I don't have time' try saying 'it's not a priority.  Often that's a perfectly adequate explanation....If we don't like how we are spending an hour, we can choose differently!" -Laura Yanderkam (I'm not sure who she is, but I think she is one smart lady.)

I don't have a demanding church calling, I don't have a ton of "extra curricular" things going on.  In fact, every time I sign my kids up for something I now make sure it is just a short commitment thing because I HATE taking all 4 kids to karate or swimming or gymnastics.  It is a huge pain for me!  My goals right now are really quite simple.  I am trying to be the best me that I can be.  Which right now just means being a good mom!  But I fall short of this EVERY day!  I yell more than I should.  I get impatient.  I feel less than motivated at times.  My list could go on of things I do wrong as a mom.

But then I look at what I do right as a mom.  I make my kids work (which is why my kids think I'm so mean.)  I read with them and try to teach them.  I make a homemade meal 9 out of 10 nights and we eat dinner together as a family.  And every once in a while, I try to make the everyday humdrum of life fun.  I am not great at "playing" with my kids.  I'm not great at laughing with them every day.  I'm not great at celebrating the little things.  But I can put a smile on their face with some silly leprechaun tricks or a special "love potion" drink for Valentines day dinner or a surprise dessert in the middle of the week to celebrate Pi day.

I can't speak for why others do or do not celebrate the "phone it in" holidays, but I know why I choose to spend my time this way.  I am a creative person who doesn't have many chances to "create" much of anything now a days.  Scrapbooking and crafting gets set aside for homework and piano and homemaking and laundry.  Maybe taking the time to do cutesy things for my family is part of my "love language" or maybe it is just an excuse to create.  How many people use St. Patrick's Day as an excuse to drink?  Well, I don't drink so maybe holidays are my excuse to do creative and fun things?

I don't travel much, or run races every weekend, in fact I barely get the minimum exercise requirements in so I don't blow up like a balloon.  I don't go out to many movies, or go out with the girls very often and I only put in the minimum amount of work it takes to keep my home in semi descent shape.  I am not in any book clubs, but Pinterest is my "virtual" club of awesomeness.

So I have to quickly tell the story of Saturday, March 16.  My 7 year old had asked to make a leprechaun trap and I told her we could after her work was done.  I spent from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. trying to get her to accomplish a math worksheet, cleaning the toilet, practicing the piano, and doing her Spanish reading.  Yes, the better half that 4 1/2 hours was spent with ONE child.  However, once her work was finally done it was time to go to a birthday party for some cousins and visit with Grandpa.  By the time we got home and dinner done, it was bedtime and I still needed to go grocery shopping.  So I left the hubs to put the kids to bed and took off.  When I got home at 10 p.m. my husband said that E was still upset about not making a leprechaun trap and he told her he would see what he could do.  He asked if I had bought any candy, which in my attempt to be healthier, I really had nothing to leave.  So after the groceries were put away and I sat down for a few minutes, I had a fun idea.

It took me all of about 25 minutes to type up a silly note about how the leprechaun was disappointed because we hadn't left any gold and that he decided to play some tricks on us.  The toilet water had turned green as well as the milk.  It only took me a couple of minutes to make some leprechaun prints on the toilet seat and fridge.  The leprechaun left the kids some green veggies.
As I lay in bed Sunday morning listening to the giggles and squeals from the front room and shouts of "What? No candy?  Green vegetables?"  I felt like the 25 minutes I spent the night before was all worth it!  They truly got a kick out this years leprechaun visit!

I guess this is why I build up the little holidays more than the average mom.  I love their surprised faces, their smiles and giggles!  I love making a humdrum, normal day into something a little more special.  Why not?  They are only kids once!  And once they grow up and remember these fun days I hope they know that I did it out of love.  As bad as I am at communicating my feelings, I hope they understand that it is one of my ways I express love.

And I feel confident enough about being a good mom, that I don't feel guilty if I skip or play down a holiday if I'm not feeling up to putting in the effort at that particular time.  I don't look at other pictures of fun holiday traditions on Facebook and think, "I"m such a horrible mom that I didn't make leprechaun hats for my kids!" So what I'm trying to say, without offending those who are so irritated by the posting of cute leprechaun footprints, that for me it's a choice to spend my time and use my talents that particular way.  And seeing pictures on Facebook shouldn't be what we base our judgement of other moms on.  I know I have had to remind myself many times that when I see pictures of all the "fun" things other friends do on Facebook or blogs that that picture is only a small part of what their life is really like.

Anyway, there you have it.  My little soapbox about not judging other moms and looking at what we do individually that makes us good moms.  And that we all choose to spend our time and energy and money in different ways.  And that we all have different talents that we share with our family.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Witch Craft or Medicine?

About 5 years ago I started having back problems...NOT fun, I tell ya!
I spent several weeks seeing both a chiropractor and a physical therapist.  It was a really long healing process.  The chiropractor my friend referred me to was weird!  He was into all this holistic healing stuff, Chinese medicines, homeopathic type stuff.  I didn't really believe much in that kind of stuff, but whatever.  The adjustments definitely helped.
Anyway, ever since then I've had on and off problems.  This last summer it got really bad again.  It was to the point where I was in pain more than I wasn't and just could deal with it anymore.  So back to the chiropractor I went.  It was a different guy this time though.  He was good.  He was more a sports medicine guy.  I liked him better than the first guy, but he kept telling me I needed to walk.  So I started walking every night.  It helped a ton!  But then he told me I needed to start pushing myself more and more.  So I tried.  But every time I tried I would end up hurting so bad!  I felt frustrated that I couldn't just go out and run like I use to.  So after my initial care ended...and I was mostly out of pain, I greatly reduced visits to him.

Out of the blue last week, I got a phone call from my original chiropractor's office saying they wanted to update my file and would love for me to come in for a free re-evaluation.  I thought what the heck, couldn't hurt!  So I went in.  He had set up a whole new evaluation process including these weird tests to evaluate my internal organs, blah, blah blah, and did a new spinal evaluation, including x-rays...which I had never had before.  

I go in to meet with him today as a follow and here's the right leg is 1/2 in. shorter than left leg which is causing my spine to be all bent out of shape!  Well, no wonder my  lower back hurts!  So he tells me a heel lift would most likely do me wonders with some occasional maintenance visits.  So we are trying that for now to see if that helps.

Anyway, to get to the real point of this post...
He went over the results of these other Chinese and German tests (that I thought was just weird to begin with!)  and concluded that I had adrenal fatigue.  He told me that a special dietary supplement would help me not feel tired anymore and I wouldn't want to take a nap every day at 1 or 2 p.m.  I was a little shocked because I hadn't even told him I was having low energy issues at all!  I felt like he had been spying on me or something because everyday for the last 3 or 4 weeks I have felt soooo tired right at 1 p.m.! (And yes, I have even snuck in a few naps over the last month)
Anyway, I came home and looked up adrenal fatigue and was surprised at how many "symptoms" I really felt!  So I bought the most expensive bottle of little pills I've spent ($30 for a month's supply of a special dietary supplement.)  I am really ready to do anything to help me feel just a little bit better.  
So hopefully, this helps!

I'll know here pretty soon if both the heel lift and the little bottle of magic pills work!  Let's cross our fingers...and toes!

Thank Goodness for Febreeze!

This is my story of my "oh-my-gosh-does-this-really-have-to-happen-right-now?" moment yesterday.

So my dear Mr. S is 3 1/2 and totally not potty trained.  His twin brother is.  But he for some reason has struggled with the concept and I'm about ready to pull my hair out that he doesn't seem to get it...or want to get it!  I was feeling poor last week while at the store buying another package of I got the cheap ones...mistake #1!  
Yesterday, Mr. S got diarrhea.  Ewww!
My visiting teachers were coming later that morning and I didn't know if he was getting a stomach flu type thing or if he had just eaten something bad.  I figured I had a few hours to decide if I should cancel visiting teaching.  Well, he seemed fine the rest of the morning so I didn't think much of it again.
After cleaning my house (I swear visitors is the only thing that gets my house clean lately!)  I was sitting watching a few minutes of t.v. with my boys playing in the living room and my visiting teachers show up.  I walked to the door to let them in and noticed something all over the piano chair.  I initially thought that Baby Bree had spit up all over and then on closer inspection realized that Mr. S had another problem where his cheapo pull-up didn't hold up.  I'll spare the rest of the details on this part.
Needless to say that I was a little flustered trying to get him and the living room cleaned up...all while my visiting teachers were sitting in my family room patiently waiting to visit.  I'm sure they were thinking, "ah! we don't want to get sick!" or "that smells disgusting!" or "should we just go?"  I was so sickened by the smell that I even pulled out the Febreeze and sprayed everywhere as to cover up the odor!
But fortunately my visiting teachers were very patient and kind about the situation.  Every once in a while something like that makes me all worked up, flustered, a slightly mortified!  But I guess everyone has those moments!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Printables

I get to host Thanksgiving this year for my husband's side of the family.  We are expecting around 17 peeps...including a handful of kids...mostly mine. :)  I was trying to find something fun the kids to do...not like they can't create their own fun, but I figure a little something might help calm antsy kiddos for those last few minutes of quiet conversation at dinner.
Click here to link to busybeekids
Anyway, I came across this awesome website with great Thanksgiving printables...and believe me, I looked at a lot!  Like...

This one from Whatever Dee Dee Wants
This one from Kinder Latino

This one from Parents magazine

I ended up printed the place mats, some word searches, some dot to dots, and some mad libs from Busy Bee Kids Printables.  Hopefully, it will be a fun little addition to Thanksgiving dinner!