
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words

My mom and I play a puzzle game online.  She just created a new puzzle from this picture of the 5 oldest grand kids eating ice cream outside an old fashion ice cream shop in Philipsburg, Montana.  We were enjoying some time at a cabin on Georgetown Lake with family last summer.

Looking at this picture I realized that as imperfect as this picture is, this picture will be a family favorite for a long time to come.  
And then it hit many times do we look at a picture years later and realize it is a favorite.  A picture that helps you recall the details of a trip, feelings, love, family.  
And what is amazing is that you never know when or what that picture will be, until later, sometimes quite a while later.
And usually, they are not professional pictures.
They are not edited.
They are are real pictures of real times and real memories.

In this digital world how many photos can we instantly snap with our cell phones?  I know I have hundreds of pictures on my phone and computer.  I know for sure I don't take enough time to find those special and meaningful pictures and DO something with those pictures.  It has made me stop and ponder how my kids will be able to look back at photos of themselves.  How fun is it to look back at our childhood pictures and try to remember or see how even then our personalities showed!  How can I best preserve those memories for my children?

This very imperfect picture recently taken with my cell phone shows all my husband's siblings and spouses. I think this will be a special picture as well...or at least I hope it is.  

Technology today has made it so much easier to use, organize, and share our pictures.  But on the same hand it also makes it so much harder.  So many more photos, so many more options than before...and oh the digital storage!  It is a blessing to be able to store so many photos, but what about actually seeing them?  How many do we print or preserve in a way for our kids to see?

I know I need to be much better about this.  It use to be something I was very good at when I was regularly scrapbooking, but as I have made the transition away from traditional scrapbooking it has become a challenge.

Here is my wake up call!  I am going to get my photos organized and figure out the best way to preserve those memories for my children for years to come!!!  


  1. I picked that picture for a puzzle because of all the different colors of their t-shirts. After I did it a flood of memories of that trip came to me. You are so right. I need to do an annual book of family pictures. The computer is just so impersonal to "flip" through pictures.

  2. I have so many pictures that need to be put into books so we can look at them and remember the fun times. Anyone in for helping me. love your pictures and note with them.
