
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Whistle While Work

Yesterday morning I was sitting a midst the piles of laundry waiting to be folded and I began watching 2 year old Aubrey.  She had taken a clean dish towel from my pile and was "cleaning" the piano.  
The thing that struck me was that she was singing as she was wiping the piano.

I smiled as I thought of how many times I have seen Ellie sing as she was cleaning as well. 

Then I thought, "Do I do that?"  
I honestly don't think I've done that for a really long time!

I use music as a motivator to get my kids to do Saturday morning chores or to push me through a workout.  I use music as a "fun" thing to get the wiggles out at night or to dance to in the car.  I have even tried to use music as a motivator during Ellie's homework time.
But how often do I truly "whistle while I work?"  
Not much, lately, that is for sure!

I remember my Grandpa Cannon would always whistle while he loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.  He usually whistled something like "Washington Post March" by John Phillip Sousa.  
Something upbeat and happy.

What is innately in us that makes makes my girls naturally sing while they work?
I think it is that we feel good when we work, whatever type of work it is.
Work helps us feel accomplished.
Work helps us build confidence.

So why do we learn to hate work?  
Work seems to be the opposite of "fun."  
Which is what most people desire isn't it?
If work is the opposite of fun than work isn't fun.
And how many times have I told my children
work before play?

But I don't think that is necessarily true... it is just our mindset.
I think work can be very enjoyable!
I've had many "fun" times while working hard.  

We have emphasized in our family the last year that 
But how often do we do hard things begrudgingly...instead of with a song in our hearts?!

I think I need to set a better example of "whistling while I work." 
Maybe then when we tell our dear 3rd grader that homework can be fun she might believe us!
And be a little more willing to complete the things that are hard for her happily!
And maybe if I work with a song in my heart I might enjoy folding my piles of laundry a little more!



  1. I remember Grandma Gill sang while she worked, especially when she was doing dishes. She loved to do dishes. Do you remember Grandpa singing his "Polly" songs? They were cute. I sing when I work to sometimes, but only if nobody is around! So glad your girls like to sing.

  2. I don't sing much anymore since I have lost my singing voice. But I love to think about songs and I can still hum. Music makes the world a lot better. so glad you remember the good times.
