I know most of you don't care and are probably already doing these things all the time anyway, but I needed some motivation/accountability to actually do what I said I was going to do.
I cleaned my pantry. Ya, this is a job that needs to be done every 4 months, not every 9 months. Note to self...not a hard job!!!
This is my scrapbook desk. It is in my bedroom. And it was a total mess!!! Now it is moved to a different corner and all organized...okay, mostly organized.
Before picture:
All my photos for the past 3 years are now neatly organized by date (or event) in this cool photo organizer my father in law gave me. He actually gave me 3 of them (a long time ago!) and one is full of pictures from college years to Little Miss' second birthday. I just started filling the second container.
I also got brave and did a job I've only done once before right before we sold our first house. Cleaning under the oven! If you have ever attempted this job it is soooooo gross! It isn't terribly hard, but a must do...probably every year, but if you're like me every 3 years. Ha ha! It is awful what you can find when pull out that oven drawer and clean under it! My mom actually pulled her entire oven out last year after 14 years of never cleaning the sides and she said it was disgusting! I bet! I've never done that one!I've also gone through the boys' current clothes, but still have sooooo much to do in their room/closet to get things settled in there! That is my job the next couple of days before we head out on vacation.
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