So I'm going out of town next week and have a million things to do before then. But I decided I just wanted to sit here and blog for a few minutes.
As summer started approaching I had a hundred ideas floating around in my head. (Along with a hundred things already going on!) I needed to organize them the best I could. And being a habitual list maker I began making lists. Lots of lists. So then I needed to organize those lists.
And here's what I came up with:
*our summer bucket list
*a new "task" chart w/ accompanying chores
*and a summer school calendar with daily themes
I know, I know... maybe I went a little overboard, but there is reason for my madness.
So here is my first list... our summer bucket list. Some of these things are things we already have planned, some are things I want to incorporate into summer school, and some are just fun ideas to do when we are bored (which 4 days into summer and that totally hasn't happened yet!)
I typed up my bucket list, printed it, cut it, and glued it onto cute patterned paper and stuck it in a old picture frame. I pinned it up in the kid's hallway. I think it is such a fun idea!
I'll post my other two "lists" soon.
Real Mom's Dinner: Since DH is gone tonight and my plan was for enchiladas and most of our family won't eat those I think we will just have cheese tortillas and grapes.

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