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I'm Back!!!
So I took a little break from life for a while. But I'm back now and happy about it. After months of little energy, trying to continually play catch-up, and life being on the overwhelming side, I've finally got my creative juices back. I actually have a little more energy now to get things done and am very relieved! Oh, and I just found out we're having another boy!
So what have I been up to? Good question......
The other day I saw this recipe for 90 minute cinnamon rolls and they looked divine! My parents and sister were coming for the night so I thought it would be a perfect excuse to make an indulgent treat for breakfast!
They were good. I need to make some small adjustments next time, but will most likely make them again because it were easy and yummy!
Also, I actually had enough energy to make this favorite dinner (Italian Breaded Pork Chops) of ours again tonight. Warning!: It is time consuming, but very worth it!

I also made a trip to D.I. last week and found these beauties that I'm turning into some artwork for the twins' room. Hopefully, I'll finish this week and get it posted.

I also found another great buy (hopefully) that Little Miss is very excited about! Let's just say the twins' clothing is overflowing (literally!) from their tiny changing table dresser (which will be needed for the new baby come December anyway) and the need for Ellie's big dresser is great. So I found a dresser type thing that needs some work, but will work out great for Little Miss! It needs some work from Hubby and he is super busy with work right now so it will probably take longer than I would like, but hopefully not too long. :)
I do have a goal to post a little more often now that I'm a little more on track. So check back!

Millie made your pork chops last week and cooked them in a foil pan in the barbque. With no A/C I refuse to allow the oven on if it is over 75 degrees outside.