I made a goal last week that I wanted to completely spring clean my house, cupboards, drawers, closets, blinds, windows, etc. before Thanksgiving. Because heavens knows I will not get much of anything done the further this pregnancy goes and once this new baby comes.
I also have all my everyday stuff to do.
My husband told me not to paint Little Miss' dresser. That he would do it...but he's so busy right now! And I want to!
I have a little boy that I think might have an ear infection. Really? In July?!
I need to go the store to get one thing to finish the twins' art for their room. But alas, that isn't happening today.
All I can think about is procrastinating the things I really should be doing...like cleaning my pantry...and thinking about how to redo the kids' rooms. *Since we need to move the twins to twin beds and Ellie is outgrowing her Princess Room.* That is going to be their Christmas present...mostly.
Okay, here is a sneak peek at the bed set I bought Ellie today on Wal-Mart.com. I know, I know...my husband works for a large online retailer and I buy from Wal-Mart. Whatever! It was cute and cheap!

Devil #1: Christmas is so far away. You will have plenty of time to get stuff ready later. Just sit back and relax this summer. Besides you should be saving for vacation and school clothes, not buying stuff!
Devil #2: Christmas will come so quickly. You have energy now. Who knows if you'll have any energy (or money for that matter) later!
Okay, Okay...now that I've vented for a few minutes I better choose something to do and do it while the boys are napping (or else today is a lost cause!)
LOVE the bedding! But how can she possibly be growing out of the princess room???