
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Picture Frame

I'm mostly posting this for my mom's benefit. She gave me this darling picture frame for Christmas and I just haven't done anything with it. But I finally did. I printed up 12 pictures from our family pictures from both sides -Hubby's and I's families. (Hubby's family was taken last April and my family was taken last December) in sepia. I was a little nervous how it would turn out, but I really like it! Although I think it needs something above the picture...I'll keep my eyes open for a cheap swaggy thing or something.
I put it where the shelf was. I had wanted to move the shelf anyway, because it would sometimes fall down if Little Miss' door slammed too hard...which happens with a four year old! Here is where I put my shelf. I need to figure out what to do with it.
Anyway, thanks Mom, for a fun gift!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got it filled and hung. I will be anxious to see it in person! I'm sure little miss would Never slam her door! I know the little princess here would never do that! HAHAHAHA!
