Saturday, November 19, 2011
Witch Craft or Medicine?
Thank Goodness for Febreeze!
This is my story of my "oh-my-gosh-does-this-really-have-to-happen-right-now?" moment yesterday.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thanksgiving Printables
I get to host Thanksgiving this year for my husband's side of the family. We are expecting around 17 peeps...including a handful of kids...mostly mine. :) I was trying to find something fun the kids to do...not like they can't create their own fun, but I figure a little something might help calm antsy kiddos for those last few minutes of quiet conversation at dinner.
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Click here to link to busybeekids |
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This one from Whatever Dee Dee Wants |
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This one from Kinder Latino |
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This one from Parents magazine |
I ended up printed the place mats, some word searches, some dot to dots, and some mad libs from Busy Bee Kids Printables. Hopefully, it will be a fun little addition to Thanksgiving dinner!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Not So Cutesy Chore Chart
I tried a cute idea from Family Fun, but it totally did not work for us!
So I chose to do something more like this.
However, mine's not nearly that cutesy. But it is a very functional chore chart.
Basically, I took an old clipboard and spray painted it blue (to match her desk.) I glued her chore chart to the clipboard and slipped an overhead transparency in the clip w/ a vis-a-vis marker. When she complete her chores she (I) can check off the chore.On Monday evening, we tally up the previous weeks' checks and that is how many points she can redeem for prizes (such as ice cream, small treats, etc.)
Then we can just wipe off the chart and start over for the new week.
She LOVES it!
It has been so rewarding the last few weeks!
I also created my own weekly chore chart schedule.I didn't do anything cutesy with this. Just printed it and put it on my fridge. I've had this schedule in my head now for a while, but having it printed out to look at daily is a big help for me. Not only does it help me remember what I need to be doing, it looks so less daunting, than a huge "to-do" list. Don't get me wrong...I still have my "to-do" list. But now when I have "pay dentist bill" on my list I know I am going to do that on Wednesday, and not keep procrastinating day after day.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Fresh Food Feeder
We love it! (meaning both baby and I)
So far she has tried some melons, strawberries, bananas, cooked carrots, and mango. Her favorite by far was the cantaloupe.
I can't believe it took 4 kids before finally trying this nifty contraption!
Now the question is how long it will last.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Jewelry Holder
I almost took it back to the D.I. a few weeks ago, because I just didn't know what to do with it. But I didn't. And then, suddenly it came to me. It would be a perfect jewelry holder!
So I pulled it out and took off the door. I originally thought I would paint and replace the door, but ended up leaving the door off. I also used those white cup holder hooks and screwed them up to the upper lip of the cabinet.
I primed it gray and then used Rust-o-leum 2x coverage in espresso. Love it!
I couldn't believe how perfect if fit in my bathroom cubby, that had originally been holding all my lotion and homeless jewelry. Now my lotion and jewelry have a nice looking home. Yay!
Here is a final look at my bathroom. And guess what? It drives me crazy to see model home perfect pictures of areas we use ALL the time. So this is the way my bathroom looks, junk on counters and all...of course, I did quickly wipe down all the counters and mirrors before snapping this picture. :)
Well, it is 10:30 at night and dishes still aren't done for the day, but hey, at least my bathroom is clean and organized!
Linking Up to:

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Task Cards
I created a "task card" for each child. (I have called it a task card since my 6 year old daughter is already convinced chores are hard and bad.) Since my boys are just barely 3 I needed something very visual. Some of the clip art is a little funky, but hey it was free on Microsoft Word.
This is how it works:
Each child is expected to *make their bed *eat breakfast *get dressed *and do one chore first thing in the morning. Once these 4 tasks are complete than they can play outside, watch cartoons or do whatever until lunch.
(maybe you don't have to remind your children to get dressed or eat breakfast, but mine have a tendency to want to play before these basic things happen.)
We eat lunch together and then the kids are expected to go to quiet time. Oh, quiet time! This has been an interesting go in and of itself! Actually, Little Miss (6) is pretty good to sit in her room and listen to books on cd, color, or look at books. But my 3 year old that can be a challenge some days! But we're still in training and it's slowly getting better.
After quiet time we have "summer school." My kids, especially Little Miss, LOVE this time. I will post a separate post on what we do for summer school.
As long as their tasks are done than they can play or watch t.v. until dinner.
Then they have their dinner and bedtime tasks.
Included on the task card is one chore. This is how I've decided to divvy out the chores. I created 18 chores on the cards (that is 1 card per child per 6 days a week.) Each child randomly selects one card a day. It's been fun so far because the kids look forward to drawing their cards. It must seem like a game for them. And Little Miss has been more than willing to help her brothers with their chores. And yes, there is vacuuming and mopping on the cards, but I figure my Friday (or Saturday) cleaning will adequately make up for whatever the small kiddies' cleaning skills lack. It's all about the training and the consistency, right?
So I'm reading "The Parenting Breakthrough" (by Merrilee Boyack) which is an excellent eye opening book and I might end up changing everything! But we'll see how this goes for a while.
I look at lots of mommy blogs...and this idea came from a mixture of a couple blogs I saw. But I'm horrible and didn't mark what they were so I really can't give credit where credit is deserve.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Summer Bucket List
So I'm going out of town next week and have a million things to do before then. But I decided I just wanted to sit here and blog for a few minutes.
As summer started approaching I had a hundred ideas floating around in my head. (Along with a hundred things already going on!) I needed to organize them the best I could. And being a habitual list maker I began making lists. Lots of lists. So then I needed to organize those lists.
And here's what I came up with:
*our summer bucket list
*a new "task" chart w/ accompanying chores
*and a summer school calendar with daily themes
I know, I know... maybe I went a little overboard, but there is reason for my madness.
So here is my first list... our summer bucket list. Some of these things are things we already have planned, some are things I want to incorporate into summer school, and some are just fun ideas to do when we are bored (which 4 days into summer and that totally hasn't happened yet!)
I typed up my bucket list, printed it, cut it, and glued it onto cute patterned paper and stuck it in a old picture frame. I pinned it up in the kid's hallway. I think it is such a fun idea!
I'll post my other two "lists" soon.
Real Mom's Dinner: Since DH is gone tonight and my plan was for enchiladas and most of our family won't eat those I think we will just have cheese tortillas and grapes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Disposal Dilemmas

So the bad news? According to most plumbers, very little food should be going down the disposal. It is meant for the food that does get left behind.
But really...who is going to scrape out their kids' bowls of cereal into the garbage when there is a perfectly capable tool right there to clean it up neatly?
So on the one extreme you have people who say you should not put ANYTHING down the drain, and on the other hand there are people who will put EVERYTHING down the drain.
Okay, almost everything...minus the notorious potato peels.

*Potato peels
*fiberous or stringy foods such as celery, asparagus, artichoke hearts, etc.
*rice and pasta (because it can expand just like potato peels) -I'm really bad at this one.

All citrus can clean the disposal great. However, I only do this in moderation. I don't put all the peels from the 2 oranges I give my kids down the drain. Just a few pieces.
Also, grinding up ice cubes can sharpen your blades in the disposal...who would've thought!

There you have it...the skinny on garbage disposals.
Real Mom's Dinner: Last night we had pork chops, parley red potatoes, carrot sticks, and pineapple. We will either have homemade pizza tonight or broccoli and's almost 5:00 and I can't decide.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Smores' Treats

Well, I recently bought several boxes of Golden Grahams cereal because between the sale price and my coupons they were 75 cents a box. This morning after popping a handful of cereal in my mouth, I realized how easy it would be to make some Smores Treat bars.
We have tried the pre-made Golden Graham cereal bars before, but they were pretty gross. My kids wouldn't even eat them!
But I figured a marshmallow base and bits of chocolate would by yummy!
And it really was! Okay, so after some thought I realized this was probably not a new concept (turns out there are several recipes out there for this kind of thing.) But if your tired of the same old rice crispy squares, try substituting Golden Grahams and tossing in small chunks of chocolate bar (wait until marshmallow goo has cooled a few minutes so the chocolate doesn't melt.)
My kids still weren't too hip on this treat...not quite sure I guess I'll have to take them to a neighbor so I don't eat them all!!!
Real Mom's Dinner: 5 Buck Pizza...It's Friday and my DH is going to be gone to a business dinner. Ugh!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Kitchen Table Redo
So in preparation for Miss Sunny's Baby Blessing I decided I was going to do matter what!
Over several weeks in the cold, cold January in the cold, cold garage, I slowly painted my at a time. First, I did a light sanding (I didn't spend too much time on this part.) Then I primed it with a gray spray paint. Then I spray painted it black.
Then I sanded the heck out of the top using a heavy grit, a medium grit, then a fine grit. After a good cleaning I stained it using a stain with a polyurethane (Minwax Polyshades Pecan Gloss) already mixed in. I ended up doing three coats to darken it until I decided I was finally okay with the color.
My final product and I LOVE it!!! I am soooo happy with how it turned out!!! And I've learned a lot about painting and staining. I'm so glad I pushed myself to do this! It has made my kitchen feel a lot more "put together." At least to me...and that is what matters, isn't it?!
I'm linking to Domestically Speaking's Power of Paint Party
Friday, March 18, 2011
St. Patti's Day
The leprechaun took the coins, but left some Twix candy bars in the trap.
The leprechaun also turned our eggs green.
*Mental note: kids will not eat green scrambled eggs.
Little Miss was disappointed the leprechaun didn't turn our milk green like last year,
so I let her put in a few drops of food coloring.
We colored shamrocks and rainbows.
We had green grapes, honeydew, and green Pasta-Roni.
*Mental Note: kids struggle eating food that is green...
unless she drops the food coloring in herself.
We made chocolate cupcakes with green frosting.
And I thought a hidden rolo inside would be fun...and yummy.
*Mental note: when hiding chocolate inside cupcakes don't push it down to the sticks to the liner.
We all wore green...except for dad. But he handled his pinching well.
Little Miss apparently had a blast at school with leprechauns, rainbows, lime sherbet floats, etc.
And we called Grandpa to sing him happy birthday.
That sums up our fun St. Patti's day!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I'm Back!
Maybe I'll do a Summer Fun Album.
So I have lots of ideas for this blog. I might be changing things up. But I definitely will be posting a little more regularly now.
Real Mom's dinner: Last night we got together with some friends. We had some seasoned chicken. mashed potatoes, homemade mac n' cheese, and strawberry shortcake. mmm....