(For a more detailed description of project and samples go here.)
My favorite part of my homemade album is that I reused cereal boxes. It makes me feel a little green. :)
My least favorite part of my homemade album was the time it took. Yes, it did take a little time. But hey, it was free!
So my original idea was to have a 6x6 album so I only had to use 1/4 of a piece of paper. But then I thought and realized that however I bound the album would take up a little room. So I made the pages 6x7.
I used a sturdy cardboard box to make a cover...had to actually measure!
Then I used cereal boxes (had to raid my recycling bin) to cut the pages. Again, had to measure pretty good.
Then I took 16 sheets of coordinating paper (from one of those big blocks of paper) and cut two 6x7 pieces from each sheet. I then glue sticked them to the cardboard, cut down as needed, and inked the edges. The good thing about the 6x7 is that I have leftover coordinating paper to make backgrounds, pockets, etc.
I covered the cardboard with burlap, using hot glue to stick it on good. Then I cut out circles and used some brown alphas to create the dates.
Some sample pages...
Oh wait, the binding. Ha ha.
So my intentions are to drill 2 holes in the edges and just use the loose leaf rings to hold it together. Haven't gotten that far yet.
I do have a stash of "stuff" to use when I'm ready to actually do every day. The original idea was to put your embellishments on each page BEFORE hand to lessen your work during December. But I think that would bug me. I can't just "adapt" my idea to the page format. I think it would less stressful for me! So I'm leaving "as is" until December.
I'm linking up to:
Tatertots and Jello
It's Fun to Craft
REAL MOM'S DINNER: Plan on having beef enchiladas. Not everyone will like those so we'll whip up some cheese quesadillas. :)